
A New Horizon On Cannabis For Texans

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A New Horizon in Cannabis for Texans Marijuana has been a hot button topic for the past couple of years. It recently made headlines earlier in the state of Texas. On Monday, June 1st 2015 Governor Greg Abbott signed The Compassionate Use Act (senate bill 339) by Senator Kevin Eltife (R-Tyler). Sb 339 “…will allow individuals with intractable epilepsy to access cannabidiol (CBD oil) to reduce seizures” (State of Texas). What this bill stands for is the belief that the marijuana plant can produce some lifesaving health benefits. It is a citizen’s responsibility to inform and educate themselves on what is going on around them. I specifically chose this topic because I believe that for us Americans this is the next big frontier. Not only could this plant helps save some people’s lives, but it could also help alleviate the pressure on our national debt. As long as we continue to do research and try to understand the complexity of this issue, then we should be able to grow in our mind frames of how this could be beneficial to a lot of people. There will always be the other side of this issue that it could do more harm than help, but if we continue to monitor and maintain control of these herbal medicines we can begin the steps towards a safer path. The new law states that “The state will regulate and distribute the oils to patients whose symptoms have not responded to federally approved medications” (Hershaw). In this day and age, there are more people who are looking

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