
A & P And Araby By James Joyce

Decent Essays

A&P by John Updike and Araby by James Joyce are two short stories that have multiple differences and similarities. A&P is about a teenager and his lust for young ladies and Araby is about a young boy who had a crush on a older girl. I will be comparing and contrasting the portrayal of women, love and epiphany in the two short stories A&P and Araby. I believe women are portrayed negatively in A&P. I have came to this conclusion because I believe Sammy treats the “Queenie” positively but treats the other two females negatively. For example Sammy describe the other girls using the following statements “There was this chunky one, with the two-piece -- it was bright green and the seams on the bra were still sharp and her belly was still …show more content…

After this come in here with your shoulders covered. It 's our policy." (Updike, 145) Sammy wanting to make a good impression for the girls he told Lengel that he is quitting because Lengel treated the young ladies unfairly by kicking them out but once Sammy reaches the exit the girls are nowhere to be found and he basically quit his job for no reason. Sammy decision to quit was not justified due to the girls not being there to praise and love him for being so brave to quit his job for them and the fact that he made such a major decision for people who he did not even know is stupid. Now he does not have a job nor the young ladies.
I believe women are portrayed positively in Araby. I have come to this conclusion because of how much the little boy values this girl and his efforts to impress her. For example, each morning before school, he he camps by the window to see when she heads out to go to school. he leaves out when she does and follows her to the school. They part ways once she reaches her school but he ensures that she sees him, hoping that she would notice him. His crush confronted him for the first time to ask him if he was going to Araby. She was unable to go but he said “if I go, I will bring you something” (Joyce, 253). This

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