
A & P Sammy A Dynamic Character

Decent Essays

The protagonist, Sammy, in A & P by John Updike is a dynamic character because he reveals himself to a judgmental person who later along the story changes into a mature individual who makes big decisions. Sammy shows immaturity in his work place, as he judges others and try to find his own entertainment. Along with that he judges multiple people including his co-workers and customers. The situation that happens changes Sammy and makes him into a mature person who will need to make multiple decisions. The way Sammy describes his place of work, other people in the store, and the choices he makes at the end reveal him as a dynamic character. Sammy’s actions and thoughts in the store reveal the type of person he is. His judgment and immaturity …show more content…

As these girls arrive to the store he automatically judges their appearance. He said “you know, the kind of girl other girls think is very ‘striking’ and ‘attractive’ but never quite makes it.” His judgement of the girls show that he thinks they are not all that they think they are. He not only judges the girls but also judges his co-worker and their actions. Stokesie is a married man with hopes of having management position, but Sammy thinks different of that. “He’s going to be manager some day, maybe in 1990 when it’s called the Great Alexandrov and Petrooshki Tea Company or something.” His judgmental humor makes him think that Stokesie is not ready for that type of position. Sammy considers himself to be more mature than he is; even though he is younger than Stokesie. Along with the judging the girls and his co-workers; Sammy judges the customers as well. “The sheep pushing their carts down the aisle.” The considers the customers to be sheep that have no conscious and follow the crowd. Sammy’s judgment towards other people show that he is a judgmental …show more content…

His change does not start until Lengel is mean to the girls. Sammy did not appreciate when Lengel tells the girls that they have to wear something better and embarrasses them. “ ‘Did you say something Sammy?’ ‘I said I quit’ ‘I thought you did’ ‘You didn't have to embarrass them.’ ” These actions change his mindset from being a judgmental person to being aware of what is really going on. The decision to quit is difficult for him and because he wants to stand up for what is right. “Sammy, you don’t want to do this to your Mom and Dad, he tells me. It’s true, I don’t. But it seems to me that once you begin a gesture it’s fatal not to go through with it.” Sammy feels he is doing the right thing for defending the girls. His new character directs him to the thought that he needs to change or he will feel trapped. Making the decision to leave has now left him with an empty mindset. It was a new character, a new change and he does not know where to go next. “His face was dark gray and his back stiff , as if he’d just had an infection or iron, and my stomach kind of fell as I felt how hard the world was going to be on me hereafter.” He just made a big decision to follow his heart. Being that he is now a more mature person, he has to decide what to do

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