First, I will begin with where I live. I will give a few example of what life has been like there for me and I will also talk about the town and give some details and information about it. I was raised and still currently live in Powhatan. Powhatan is a small town with a population of about 60 to 70 people. It isn’t the most exciting town even though small gossip does rile up a few. I have lived in Powhatan since my birth and I will say that I’m thankful for that. Believe it or not, living here has taught me a few things. I’ve learn to appreciate the small things in life, to be especially thankful for the people around ,and to never forget the reason why you’re there. This town has helped form me into who i am and in the next slide I will
What town act you live in? How does it look smells like, and sounds like? Do you feel comfortable in that particular city? Today, I'm going to tell you a lot of things about this village.
Growing up in Chicago, I attended a neighborhood school from preschool through first grade. Although it was an exceptional school for elementary kids, the education for middle school and high school students was not as adequate. Seeking a better place to raise their children, my parents were faced with a tough choice. When I was in 2nd grade, our family made the decision to move to the suburbs. On July 3rd, we all packed into our Honda minivan and drove 45 minutes to a new home in the town of Winnetka. Within my first year at Crow Island, my new school, I learned so many new things. I started playing the violin and speaking Spanish, neither of which were offered at my old school. I met my best friends that I'm still close with now. Over the
I’m from a town where everyone knows everyone. My sense of place and connection lies within my hometown. The citizens of Yuba City constitute my community. I was born and raised in this farm town and I love every square mile of it. I identify with the people of Yuba City as my community because we all share love and compassion for this town. To me Yuba City isn’t just a small rural town, but it is the place that forged and crafted me into the person I am today.
Growing up in Lewistown has definitely influenced my life in many ways. In a small town the community also becomes your family. The community events such as the county fair or a 5k fundraiser are the major social events. If an individual in the community is struggling we all come together to assist that person. My father is a seed salesman and a very active member of the community. I have always been close with my father, and have followed him everywhere he goes ever since the day I started walking. Since he is so involved and knows so many people in the community, they came to know me too. I went along on delivery trips to all the farmers and their farm animals. Once I reached the age of 10 a very common reoccurrence was the statement "Wow! You sure grew up fast!" Because when you
The town that I grew up in is Cedaredge Colorado. It is a quiet little town nothing ever happens there. It is a rural community. There are lot’s of farmers and many older retired people who live in Cedaredge Colorado. My neighborhood has many people who live in it. Some of our neighbors are nice and so are total pains in the rear. We put on rodeo bible camps right at my house so there is around 400 different people at my house during the course of the 8 days. My neighbors are very lenient on the deal because of the fact that I know that they get bothered by it with all the noise and the rodeo’s that go on every day. All together though our town is a fun town to grow up in. Our high school football team won state in 2012 and the band has won
My first memory that I have of Hotchkiss was the day that I was enrolled in kindergarden. It was the first time that I had seen the town since we had moved here from Texas. To a kid who had never seen anything other than endless acres of shrubs and mesquite trees, the towering mountains and greenery blew me away. For months I would spend all of my time after school exploring where I lived and biking around town with my friends. As the years have gone by this tiny town has still kept that certain magic that enthralled me as a kid, if only in a more reminiscent way rather than just pure wonder. However, the most important part of Hotchkiss to me is the effect that it had on who I am. From the day that I became a part of this lovely town, I have learned three major values that have played a key role in the decisions I’ve made. These values were hard work, community, and pride.
Now when I say tiny town I mean it. The population is about 1,400 people with one gas station, one grocery store, and 2 restaurants with some gift shops. The first time I saw Grand Marais we drove into town and in a blink of an eye it was gone. I’ve never seen anything like this other than in movies. We finally got to her cabin, and it was one of three houses on that entire road which at first seemed horrific. But something I’ll never forget is how bright the stars were. We stood outside and saw every star in that sky, since there wasn’t many neighbors with their lights on, or highways with a cluster of traffic. The first morning I was ther, Brooklyn started to show me some amazing spots such as Hurricane river, Tahquamenon Falls, Marquette Harbor, and so much more. I got to experience a place that most people don't even realize is on the map. When the vacation was finally over I asked my friends back at home what they did. Which you can probably guess was them glued to their phones and laptops all summer. I had an amazing summer that I’ll always remember, and I'm glad it didn't involve
I grew up in two very different communities, El Paso, Texas and Olney, Maryland. I spent the first ten years of my life in El Paso, which being home to a military base, was a community with strong military support. For the past seven years, I have lived in Olney, Maryland, a small town with families that have known each other for generations. No one really moves to Olney, most families have deeply established roots here, so when I moved to Olney when I was 10, I was very much an outsider. El Paso was fairly limited to El Paso as far as short trips, but in Olney you can be to D.C or Virginia in about an hour; there is always something new to do. Although Olney and El Paso are quite different, they have both instilled a common value in me, take
Canton, Georgia was the city where I was raised from the time I was seven years old. The quiet neighborhood was where most of my friendships were developed. The majority of my friends rarely left Canton. We attended the same elementary, middle and high schools and played on the same sports teams. My upbringing is what most would consider a normal, American childhood. During the summer before my sophomore year in high school, we were given the opportunity to move to the city of Chicago for one year due to my father’s job which required relocation. That August we moved to Lincoln Park, a neighborhood in the city. Moving to Chicago was a new opportunity to live in a metropolitan city. Since I never lived outside of the suburbs, I was not sure what to expect. Jones College Prep, a highly
Thesis: The play Macbeth has themes seen today and can offer readers many beneficial experiences for when they grow older. Macbeth may have been written in 1606, but many of the themes can be seen in some current events. One major theme of Macbeth is ambition, which is also the fatal flaw of the main character, Macbeth. Macbeth has been ambitious since the beginning of the play.
At some point of our lives, we have all felt that feeling of what to do next, and mine would have to be the time I had to move from different cities. I was born and raised in McAllen, Texas. Throughout the years I was able to create and cherish many memories. Everyone around the neighborhood knew me as the shy, sweet, and kind Emily. My life was made in the valley until I got the announcement from my parents that we were moving to a new city named “Laredo.” At that moment my world had paused, so many questions were running through my head. What am I going to do? Where will I live? , and how will I adapt to this new town? So many mixed emotions were created, but I tried to hide them.
It was the year 2008, I had just graduated from St. Michael’s School located in Los Angeles, CA. This year was quite exhilarating for me also scary because I was going to attend an all-girls high school. Los Angeles was my birth place also a place where I called home. One day, I came home to hearing my parents talking about moving to Mississippi. I remained devastated, not only we were moving to the south, I’m moving away from childhood friends. I was worried I wouldn’t see them again and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to make new friends in Mississippi.
Abstract: With growing concerns about the privacy of personal medical information, the president has taken action and passed regulations attempting to protect this privacy. It should work well in traditional health care situations, but it questions still remain about how applicable it will be to health care on the web.
This project aims to design, analyze, fabricate and testing of Air Filled Stacked Microstrip patch antenna with enhanced bandwidth and gain. Bandwidth and gain enhancement technique takes the advantage of use of the air gap for the stacked antenna. This bandwidth and gain enhanced Microstrip antenna can be deployed for the WLAN application operating at a 5GHz ISM frequency band.
As a result of moving to a new town, making new friends, and living a different life style I have been shaped in to the person I am today. I wouldn’t have asked for any better way to grow up as a kid. I’ve learned so much about myself that I probably wouldn’t have if I still lived in Apple Valley. I’ve experienced new activities, such as hunting and hiking, and have made new friendships. I feel as if I have changed for the better and grew up into a great person. I believe that this all happened for a reason and I am so happy that I’ve been able to