
A Plan For Physical And Digital Security Protocols

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7. PCI DSS Validation
The Payment Card industry Data Security Standard applies to companies that use, store and transmit protected financial information. Companies bear responsibility for compliance, but many of the company 's payment processors offer compliance tools for businesses they serve. It 's essential that companies implement PCI standards. Developing a plan for physical and digital security protocols is essential if companies want to avoid fines, penalties, customer lawsuits and even cancellations of their payment processing privileges due to security breaches caused by noncompliance.

8. PCI Compliance Guide
The compliance required for B2B companies includes implementing training programs for employees to educate them about security risks. B2B companies can develop stricter digital and physical safeguard that fall outside of the practices that credit card companies recommend because developers can build and integrate various compliance tools for the eCommerce platform to fulfill baseline requirements or higher standards. The PCI DSS website explains the requirements of getting PCI-certified, which is an essential starting point for defining what’s needed on the platform and for in-house training and security practices.

9. Automated Auditing
An automated auditing tool for B2B eCommerce platforms offers many advantages, but each eCommerce operation is different and requires custom integrations and features to enable auditing applications to manage and audit the

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