
A Profile Of Hamilton ' Albert ' Fish '

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A Profile of Hamilton “Albert” Fish

In the early summer of 1870 a forth child, Hamilton, was born into the home of Randall and Ellen Fish of Washington, DC. The Fish family had a history of severe mental disorders: an paternal uncle who had been diagnosed with religious psychosis, a maternal uncle who was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and his mother claimed she had visions. Hamilton 's siblings also had problems: his brother was confined to a state mental hospital, his sister was diagnosed with a mental affliction, and his youngest brother was slow-witted and an alcoholic(Wertham, 2012). In 1870, little was known about the lineage of schizophrenia , its sub-types, and how it could effect future generations. Today we know genetic factors may lead to schizophrenia and its sub types(Esterberg,2010). Little Hamilton Fish was born with a vulnerability to schizophrenia and its sub-types. This type of genetic vulnerability is called a genetic marker. It is easier to think of a genetic marker as a genetic light switch, while not all switches are turned on, some times a factor comes along and switches it to the on position; thus, the person develops the genetic disorder. The traits and subtypes of this disorder in individuals who have been abused can develop in to a perceived evil that will shock and strike terror in to society. In 1874, Randall Fish died of a heart attack. Unable to care for her children Randall Fish 's wife,Ellen Fish, placed five year old

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