
A Psychological Interview Analysis Of Levinson 's Life Structure Approach And Erikson 's Theory Of Human Development Essay

Decent Essays

Summary and Comparison: A Psychological Interview Analysis of Levinson’s Life Structure Approach and Erikson’s Theory of Human Development Approach

This psychological interview analysis will compare and summarize the theoretical applications of Erikson’s Theory of Human Development and Levinson’s Life Structure Approach. The subject of the interview, Charlotte McBeth, will express the challenges that arise in the stable and transitional periods of life in a Scottish family, which she expresses in the various aspects of instability and transitional periods that Levinson defines. The death of an infant brother defines one such instability, which reflects the high infant mortality rate and a sense of guilt that Erikson would analyze through the “Initiative v Guilt” stage of childhood. However, Charlotte had a large and supportive family unit, which allowed her to find intimacy in adolescent with her close friend, Rena. In adulthood, Charlotte was able to transition to America by having a family support when leaving Scotland to find better job opportunities abroad. In essence, a summary of Charlotte’s interview will be accompanied by a psychological comparison of Erikson and Levinson’s life development theories. Levinons’s theory of early childhood development is related to the lack of stability that Charlotte encountered in a big family, especially within the context of high infant mortality amongst her siblings: “Mom: There was a boy named Jimmy that only lived for a

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