
A Raisin In The Sun Dilemma

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In the play A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry the Younger family are presented with a dilemma. The dilemma being should the Younger family stick with their pride and move into the Clybourne Park development refusing the money from the Clybourne Park association to convince the Younger family not to move into the predominantly white neighborhood. However a character named Walter Younger blew a lot of the insurance money given to the Youngers by the late father to Walter adding a another layer of complexity to the already morally complex dilemma. The Younger family should still stick with their pride and move into Clybourne Park to show they are humans too with equal inalienable rights, despite the recent economic set back the family …show more content…

Even in the city of Chicago which would have been considered one of the more progressive cities in America during this time the Younger family was still in an economic bind.The family is trapped economically the same way a vermin would be in a physical trap ”-and he was still jumping around and bleeding like everything too-there’s rat blood all over the street-”. What Travis witnessed in the ally of the boys beating the rat is the same way in which how American Society during this time period on every level from economic to marriage was preventing colored people from advancing their current position in society.The significance of the Youngers moving into Clybourne Park would be earth shattering to the families who reside there. When the Younger’s are dancing and celebrating of the dream of moving into the community “(regarding them a long time as they dance,...”The knock on the door by Lindner symbolically brings the Younger's back to earth from dreamland realizing that the entire world is against them. Later in the scene news is brought from bad to worse as Walter finds out that his investment in the liquor store went

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