
A Rational Review Of The Information Available From Social Research On The Subject Of Polygamy

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A rational review of the information available from social research on the subject of polygamy starts with the study of polygamous relationships found in nature. In nature, polygamy is usually the result of three factors: 1) the scarcity of the male species (polygyny); 2) the need for healthy partners to propagate the species in societies where disease or lack of food is a concern; 3) the desire for a partner of higher wealth and/or status. (Golden) In humans, hunter-gatherer and tribal societies have typically been polygamous for all three of these reasons but in our western culture these justifications are rarely relevant. Regarding the first point, in most cultures in our world today (excepting the Chinese where population control has skewed the balance), the population is evenly balanced between men and women, especially in Western cultures. Regarding the need to mate with a healthier specimen, in Western culture, sickness and disease strike the sexes more or less equally. The third factor, the desire for a partner of higher wealth and/or status, is still relevant but the advantages of a polygamous relationship to a wealthy or powerful partner do not necessarily outweigh a more satisfying relationship to a less powerful partner in a monogamous relationship. It’s a matter of choice.
How does rule of law view polygamy and how have they justified its elimination through the legal process?
In the case of Loving v Virginia,(Loving) Chief Justice Warren of the Supreme

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