
A Relationship Between Two Loved Ones Revolve Around Trust, Communication, Loyalty, Respect And Happiness

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A relationship between two loved ones revolve around trust, communication, loyalty, respect and happiness. Most relationships die, and not in the romantic “Death do us part” way but in the “ I hate you.. I hope you die..” kinda way. You should end a relationship when lying, infidelity, too much dominance and different priorities are involved. In the beginning of every relationship you’re having the best time of your life, you think you found the one, you absolutely positively love everything about that person and the one thing you don’t like it’s most likely something minor. Let’s say you’re out one day, you catch your partner looking at the opposite sex for longer than they should have and of course you ask “ who are you looking at?” …show more content…

According to “When Lying is Good” by Elizabeth Segran, she states “ The truth is that we all lie but sometimes it’s with the intention of sparing the feelings of others or preventing others from experiencing psychological harm”(Fastcompany). Whether it’s lying to prevent harm or lying in general it’s never the right thing to do. It prevents you from having trust, allowing your relationship to have arguments which leads to a break up anyways. Before your relationship gets worse and you’re doing is holding on to a thread, it’s better if you leave that relationship. The tiniest lies always lead to bigger and bigger lies. It is hard to be in a relationship with a person that you have to question every move. Such as, when your partner receives a text, your first response is “who is that,” or when he/she says I’m going out with my friends, you say “ with who? when? where?” this all happens because your not sure what to believe, you don’t trust your partner. Suppose you are the one that’s lying to your partner, should you leave that relationship? Yes, because in the long run guilt will sneak up on you and then there’s no reason to continue in a relationship like that. Even if the lie isn’t detected, the piling up of lies tend to make your relationship shallower and less meaningful and it could be that living with the guilt of lying is toxic in itself. See not only is lying bad for your relationship but lying can internally affect you by

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