
A Report On A Cheating Husband

Decent Essays

A Cheating Husband.

One cold winter night a pregnant wife and mother of two tried to get in contact with her navy husband. Her husband’s name was John. John left his wife Nicole in the worst pain of her life, to go on duty. Nicole knew when she married her husband that he was married to his work, but she thought being a dedicated wife and mother to her family that he would somehow come around.

Two days passed with Nicole not hearing nor seeing her husband. The kids started to worry about their father and Nicole the pregnant wife is starting letting her feelings and emotions show. The kids are asking “why is mama crying? Where is my father>" Nicole has no answers to her children questions because the fact still stands she has no idea where he is herself.

It’s been 5 days now. It’s Tuesday morning and the kids are up and dressed for school. Nicole decided to call around and look for her husband. Her first instinct was to call his job, she thought that is where he was. She called the number John left in case of emergency. When she called she ask for John, what is the last name the man stated? “John Jackson” Nicole said. Sorry ma’am
] there is no one in our records by the name of John Jackson. There must be a mistake my husband to me that he worked for this navy base, he told me to call this number. Well sorry ma I can call around to see if he was moved by as my records are showing there is no John Jackson with us.

Later that Tuesday Nicole went to have coffee with her two

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