
A Report On The Insurance Industry

Satisfactory Essays

Good Morning,
I started work this morning working on a couple of quotes, some things left over from last week needing to be finished before appointments this week. AS I worked on them I received a few carrier updates about some unique riders being issued, then another email about a new strategy going live at a major carrier of ours about a week ago. And some say that the insurance industry is stagnant…I say it’s evolving!
Ever since the crisis of ‘O8 insurance carriers have had to learn to make do with what they have; they’ve had to learn to innovate to obtain volume they want. The amazing part about this is that is has created a shifting in the thought process of product designers. No longer are we seeing income riders battle it out over rate, no…we see them battle out over options and enhancements. Recently scientists said we’ve entered a new epoch in the world, well folks…welcome to the next coming of the insurance world.
Yes, that’s right, I said Hybrids. By definition a hybrid is, “a thing made by combining two different elements; a mixture.” Take a look around and realize that the world of income planning is no longer about the highest crediting rollup, instead it is about options for your clients. Right now I’m looking at a Single Product that can offer…
• Lifetime Income o Up to 50 years-worth of roll-up!
• 20% annual IAV payout if confined to a nursing home
• FULL pass-on of income rider value upon death o Aka a Death Benefit Rider
• 150% multiplier if you cannot

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