
A Research On Trap Laws

Decent Essays


In the summer of 2013, Senator Wendy Davis stood for eleven hours in front of her colleagues inside the Texas State Capital Building filibustering Senate Bill 5 (SB-5) a bill that would shut down almost all of the abortion clinics across the state. While Senator Davis was successful in her filibuster the bill was passed at the start of the second session and went into effect in November of 2013. Bills like SB-5 are known as TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) Laws that are used to shut down abortion clinics by “imposing on them [abortion clinics] requirements that are different and more burdensome than those imposed on other medical practices” ("Center for Reproductive Rights", 2015). TRAP laws use methods that …show more content…

This is difficult for many abortion providers to achieve due to a majority of hospitals having religious affiliations which disapprove of abortions. HB-2 also sets clinic standards similar to surgical centers such as; specific doorway and room requirements, staffing and anesthesia regulations among other regulations that are not required in other outpatient clinics like birthing centers and plastic surgery clinics. The law also requires doctors to read a prepared script to patients in order to obtain “informed consent” while many of the scripts actually include medically inaccurate information like “abortions increase your risk of cancer” “those who have abortions have a higher risk of developing psychological problems and attempting suicide” and “during the procedure your fetus may feel pain.” (Dorf, "Verdict Comments", 2012) These claims has no scientific consensus and are rejected by mainstream medical organizations such as American Medical Association (AMA) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and are used solely to persuade patients against an abortion. Texas, along with many other states have also passed medical regulations on abortion clinics, requiring mandatory transvaginal ultrasounds, even if an ultrasound has already done another one must be done with the abortion provider and the patient must listen to a

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