
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Undercover Parent By Harlan Coben

Decent Essays

“Undercover Parent” Argumentative Essay
In his article "Undercover Parent," Harlan Coben encourages and supports the concept of spyware being placed on teenagers' computers by their parents. With these programs parents can view every keystroke their child makes and examine what websites their children visit. While Coben’s viewpoints are bold, his argument still stands weakly with several invalid and questionable viewpoints.
In the fifth paragraph of his article, Coben contends for and against "today's overprotective parents." He shows them as intrusive, unreasonable, and domineering as he paints the picture of a mother finishing her teen's college application or a furious father quarreling with his child's coach. So does Coben agree that today's parenting styles can be over the top and invasive? Not exactly. Coben then switches tones towards these practices and basically argues that this idealism might as well extend into children's web utilization as well. He doesn't just address the restricting thought here, he rather taunts these …show more content…

By putting spyware on an adolescent's computer a parent is attacking the privacy of his or her child and as a general rule this would happen behind the child's back. This is breaking the trust of the adolescent and will surely cause disdain of the guardian being referred to if found

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