
A Rose of Death in A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner

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A Rose for Death
Among many twentieth-century writers who have attempted to write about murder and mystery, William Faulkner’s ability to create an uncomfortable mood is incomparable to any other. "When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to her funeral." In the introduction of A Rose for Emily, the pages are immediately infested with the theme of death, which brings the reader to question why this story has such a depressing tone upon separating the front cover from its pages. Making the solemn mood such an integral part of this piece not only provokes thought within the reader, but also gives a sense of security. It is clearly spelt out that the author is trying to make the audience feel a certain way. This specificity so early on in the piece makes his writing more believable and settling into the discomforting tone. A Rose for Emily is a poetic collage of psyche solutes meant to provoke life-altering observations and internal search.
Throughout the story, Faulkner uses a variety of symbols to effectively reinforce death as an inevitable force that thrusts itself upon both the characters and reader. Opening the scene, the reader is presented with a decaying home which has outlived every other neighboring house on its street. "But garages and cotton gins had encroached and obliterated even the august names of that neighborhood." The home in a sense is described the same way Grierson is portrayed by Faulkner. The protagonist and prior owner of the home, Emily

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