
A Separation of Church and State Ensures our Individual Freedoms

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Religion has no place in politics, therefore, church and state must remain separate if we are to preserve our individual freedoms. The United States of America is a land of great diversity and a nation built on equality. In order to explore religion and politics in America, we must first begin with our country's roots in 17th century Europe. At the time there was heavy conflict, over religion, involving the Catholics and the Protestants of England. They were two different religions, but they shared a common belief. Both shared the principle that there should be one religion, everyone should be forced to follow it, and that government should enforce it. Therein lay the problem, how can there be only one religion when there are …show more content…

Some states even had official state supported churches. All was still not equal when it came to religion. So how then were we any different than England? We were no different, pure and simple. The right to to worship as you choose was lacking, and the religious persecution had followed our citizens across the "pond".

Religion was such a hot button that a person could be executed for following the wrong one, depending on your geographical location in the colonies. Violence was not in short supply, as religious differences led to much bloodshed. Definitely not the sunshine lollipops and rainbows version of our nation's history, as it is painted for us in primary school. In New York City, on July 12, 1871, violence erupted between Catholics and Protestants. It lead to the death of 62 colonists, and another 100 were injured. Theses riots, the Orange Riots, were a prime example of how little progress we had made toward religious freedom in the colonies. What subject could lead to such violence? Why it was all about the Bible in Public Schools, of course. Colonists were discriminated against, tortured and executed all under the umbrella of religious differences. Aside from the violence, religion elicited in colonial times, civil rights were also not what they are today. Laws were passed over the next several decades, to prevent Catholics from owning anything, worshiping, and educating their young. We were an intolerant group, it would seem,

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