
A Short Note On The Problem Of Water

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The problem of water Consumption of water has increased impressively worldwide. By 2050, global water demand is projected to increase by 55%, mainly due to growing demands from manufacturing, thermal electricity generation and domestic use (Richard Connor, 2015). The United Nations Commission for Sustainable Development is worried about the future and as early as 1997 the alarm is given by the authorities on this subject. What is problematic is the inequality of the resource and of its access between individuals. Water becomes a national heritage, an economic environment and is often polluted. It is often a subject of conflict. The problem of water is a growing problem around the world today caused primarily by an uneven distribution, …show more content…

Mobilization and use of water all forms of water resources are not directly accessible or easy to mobilize. This may consist of watercourses or groundwater. These are the waters collected by Rivers and rivers that account for most of the total flow. Just 1 percent of our freshwater is easily accessible, with much of it trapped in glaciers and snowfields. In essence, only 0.007 percent of the planet 's water is available to fuel and feed its 6.8 billion people (national geographic) Water coverage is only 61% in sub-Saharan Africa (Tiaji Salaam-Blyther, 2012). It is the lowest of all regions of the world. Nearly half of the two billion people who have accessed improved water points since 1990 live in China or India. There are also disparities between urban and rural areas. 96% of the urban population uses improved water points in 2010, compared with 81% of the rural population. Most people without access to improved water points live in rural areas. In terms of access to water and sanitation, however, the increase in access to water and sanitation in urban areas cannot keep pace with the rapid increase in the population. Thus, if this access increases in percentage, the number of people not having access to the service also increases. In the history of mankind, there has been an evolution of water mobilization techniques to create dams. But a debate is taking place on the dams supported by the

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