
A Short Story : A Story?

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It was a dark, dry night in Johnny’s shed. Johnny was staring at the roof of his room. Hungry and tired, Johnny imagined how the next day would be. The shed was cramped. After a long day of work, Johnny was exhausted. Johnny worked on the field, helping his mom plant crops and look for food. Johnny was a poor kid with a rough background. His dad, Nick, died after a bear attacked the house. Johnny was just seven at that time. Nick would walk into johnny’s head every night. Every day when Johnny reflected upon his day, his dad’s words would come in and out of his brain. For Johnny, it was almost impossible to forget about his dad. But this was not Johnny’s only drastic event he had to live through. Johnny had a brother by the name of Andrew. Johnny lover Andrew, he was funny and always cheered Johnny on. When Andrew died, it impacted his mom so hard that she had a nervous breakdown and Johnny had to work all day taking care of his mom and his house. Johnny’s mom is just recovering and is now taking care of the household. Now, Johnny is working hard to take the place of Andrew and Nick, his loved ones. Johnny is about four feet five, very short for his age of fifteen. His cavern was located next to a forest. Johnny had a child looking face and he had dark brown hair. You could barely sea his hair most of the time because Johnny always wears his lucky hat. Day and Night Johnny wears his hat inside his house and out, even when he is sleeping. But Johnny didn't wear his hat

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