
A Short Story

Decent Essays

Today is the day, I told myself, as I walked into my room. Today is the day. Today is the day that I’m going to overcome my writer’s block and start writing my story. I placed my bookbag down on my bed and take out my laptop. I kicked my shoes off, grabbed some clothes, and proceeded to take a shower. After I took a good shower, I ran down stairs to grab a Pop-Tart and quickly dashed back upstairs to my room. I placed my laptop on my cluttered desk, and opened the screen. It doesn’t even have to be a paragraph. It can just be… a simple brainstorm… Just write something… Microsoft Word booted up. Just write something… I placed my hand on the keyboard. Just write something... I’m sure you could guess what happened. I’ll give you a hint: I didn’t write anything. I couldn’t write anything. I didn’t know what to write about. I didn’t know what to say. I had all these amazing ideas in my head before looking at that blank Word document, but BOOM, they’re gone. This has been my bane for the past few years. ------- Let’s turn back the pendulum to the beginning. The earliest memories I have of when I could read and write was when I was four-years old. My family had just moved to Augusta from Hinesville, Georgia. My mother decided against letting me go to preschool because she wanted to teach me herself before I go to kindergarten. She taught me the basics: the alphabet, my numbers from 0-20, colors, etc. She used to read me random bedtime stories, and even told me stories of her

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