
A Soldier Lays Dying On The Battlefield, Cannonballs Fly Overhead

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A soldier lays dying on the battlefield, cannonballs fly overhead. In the distance redcoats clash with patriots. They fight for two very different ideologies. The patriots fight for the freedom of the people and for rights they’re denied under the king, while the redcoats fight for their king and power. The revolutionaries were fighting against a power hungry tyrant, that cared for only money and power. This relates to present day as the corporate elite fight against the people to fatten their checkbooks. Campaign finance presses a real issue today because the people are no longer in control of the government. Elections are bought and paid for by billionaires with certain corporate agendas in place. Bernie Sanders has recently brought this issue up to attention claiming to campaign for the people, and be free of super pacs. Sanders wishes for a government beholden to the people of America, not millionaires and billionaires. On his website he stated “In the year 2016, with a political campaign finance system that is corrupt and increasingly controlled by billionaires and special interests, I fear very much that, in fact, government of the people, by the people, and for the people is beginning to perish in the United States of America.”(Get Big Money Out of Politics and Restore Democracy - Bernie Sanders.) The American campaign finance system is broken and corrupt. To understand the problem of the current system, it is essential to analyze: The history of campaign finance,

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