
A Spoken Dish Documentary Analysis

Decent Essays

As we saw in the documentary, A Spoken Dish, food meant a great deal to these people and their traditions. During class, we watched documentaries and deciphered the food memories that were associated with people of the state of Louisiana. Much associated food as values that range all over, some such as, regional pride/ local pride, migration (food as an aperture to culture), affection, faith, and ethical consumptions of food. Food, for me, reflects plenty of things such as time, place and people. Thanksgiving is one food tradition in my life that reflects all the three reasonings stated above. For my family, Thanksgivings overrules all other holidays, although some may think otherwise. It is a holiday at which the whole entire family get together and partake in something that involves every person. The men and women all have a different role in this holiday. This holiday is the most meaningful to myself and my family because it’s a great way for the older generation to teach the younger generation more about responsibilities and to bond. As some may assume, the women do cook but they, in my opinion, carry the most weight during this time of year. The festivities call for a lot of food to be made ranging from turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, carrots, Brussels sprouts, casseroles, cranberry sauces and plenty of desserts. No food is bought pre-made, …show more content…

It is a holiday that the entire family gets together and involves every person in it. It teaches the younger generations how to provide and shows them responsibilities. Along with both providing and responsibilities, it is the one year that we can get everyone together and become closer because we bond over a task that needs to be done in order to have a fun and successful

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