
A Story About Moving Away Essay

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Moving had defined Mary her entire life. From her early childhood in the Philippines, spent on a Navy base chasing after her brothers John and Peter to her teenage years in Westfield, New Jersey, moving always brought about a change. So it was no surprise that her move to Pennsylvania to attend Chestnut Hill College when she was eighteen would be part of the force that brought her to her future husband. That, and Jerome had just broken up with her. After dating - of course only in the proper, Catholic manner - for almost a year, he had told her that they were both “destined for other people”. Ha. As if. She sat at her desk, pushing off the work for her classes by reading a childhood favorite, Peter Rabbit. Tap Tap. Mary looked up to see her …show more content…

But, Mary had already agreed to the trip, so she boarded the bus and tried her best to find comfort in the hard, cheap feeling chair. The bus pulled into Bethlehem two hours later, and Mary’s eyes popped open to the commotion of disembarking passengers. She and Margaret dropped their bags at the visitor’s center of Lehigh University, and then walked to the restaurant where, apparently, Margaret’s friend Lou wanted to meet. As they entered the place and were guided towards a table, Mary saw her ex, Jerome, as well as another boy she did not know. Before Mary had the chance to say a word, Margaret started rapidly word-vomiting,
“It was my idea - well, Jerome’s - well, both. Joe’s my ex, Jerome and I started seeing each other and you and Joe should too! Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem, how perfect!” “Margaret, WHAT were you thinking with this? Oh splendid, let’s have dinner with some random guy and MY EX who YOU are now dating. Perfect. Great …show more content…

His father had apparently reacted badly to his choosing to court a Catholic girl, spewing nonsense about how they were “the reason this family ended up in America at all” and “those of the Catholic faith represent all the moral ineptitudes of society, the drunks, the violent men in the streets” and best of all, “the Catholics will bring about the apocalypse with their being the reincarnation of the whore of Babylon”. He had also threatened to quit his position with the Masons if Joe continued this, though how that was a threat to anyone but himself the pair did not

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