
Essay A Streetcar Named Desire - The Importance of Scene 6

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A Street Car Named Desire - The Importance of Scene 6

Scene 6 is a poignant part of 'A Street Car Named Desire' and only contains the characters Mitch and Blanche. The scene begins with the impression that Blanche and Mitch have not enjoyed the evening that they have just spent together at a local carnival. Blanches voice and manner is described as being " the utter exhaustion which only a neurasthenic personality can know." Mitch is described as being "stolid but depressed." Mitch even admits "I'm afraid you haven't gotten much fun out of this evening Blanche." and "I felt all the time that I wasn't giving you much-entertainment." At this point in the scene the viewer gets the impression that Mitch and Blanche are not …show more content…

Blanche tends to romanticize reality and she does this in this scene by saying: "We are going to be very Bohemian. We are going to pretend that we are sitting in a little artists' café on the Left Bank in Paris! Je suis la Dame aux Camilles! Vous etes - Armand! Understand French?" Not only does this indicate that she can't bear the reality of being on a date with Mitch in Stella and Stanley's Kitchen, but it flaunts her education, something Mitch has not had the privilege. This doesn't allow Mitch to have intellectual domination over Blanche.

This hinders Mitch's ability to hold good conversation. He talks about alpaca, his bad perspiration, and weight. Once he realizes this is not interesting conversation he hesitantly, and rather clumsily, asks Blanche what her weight and age is!! Tactful people would know not to ask women those kinds of questions.

He continues to mention how his mother is sick and that he wants to tell her all about Blanche. Conversation picks up and Blanche and Mitch begin to open up to each other.

Blanche tells Mitch about how hostile and rude Stanley is to her and how she thinks he hates her. It is important that Mitch knows this as at the end of

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