
A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams Essay

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A Streetcar named Desire was written by Tennessee Williams, during the restless years following World War II. The play was based on the life of a woman named Blanche Dubois. Blanche was a fragile and neurotic woman, desperate for a place to call her own. She had been exiled from her hometown Laurel, Mississippi after seducing a seventeen year old boy. After this incident, she decided to move to New Orleans with her sister Stella. She claimed she had to move, in result of a series of financial calamities which have recently claimed the family plantation, Belle Reve. Her sisters husband, Stanley Kowalski is very suspicious seeing that Blanche seems like an ambitious woman. Therefore, he decides to investigate her. He wanted to make sure …show more content…

He did not believe in her, and insisted she was a fake. He consistently told his wife that Blanche was betraying her and sold Belle Reve to use the money for herself. He confronted Blanche and asked her for all the paper works of the property. Stanley did not trust her and they were always screaming and insulting each other. They were always at odds, since they had opposing ideals, and ways of life. During the end of the play, something terrifying happened, Stanley raped Blanche.
Blanche Dubois was not only in conflict with Stanley, but she was also in conflict with herself. Ever since her husbands death she lived a harsh life. She drinks, smokes and tells many lies. Blanche also suffers from delusions of hearing polka tunes and gunshots. She was very unhappy, until one day she met Mitch. Mitch and Blanche began to see each other frequently, as she tried to keep up the “facade of virginity, innocence, and properness.” They open up to each other, and she tells him of her husbands ultimate suicide. They were both in need of someone, and felt that they were good for each other. However, soon their happiness ended. Stanley informed his friend about Blanches past and their relationship ended. He told her that she was not clean enough for him and left her.
A Streetcar named Desire was based on many important themes. One of these themes was trust and dishonesty. Stanley Kowalski always

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