
A Study For The Children 's Aid Society

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The majority of trans* individuals realize in early childhood (i.e. between the ages of 2 to 4 years) that their assigned gender, by birth and societal expectations, is not congruent with their inner sense of self, as a result their earliest experiences of validation or rejection are rooted within the family system (Bernal & Coolhart, 2012). In 2012, Travers et al., conducted a study for the Children’s Aid Society in Toronto, Ontario. Their goal was to investigate the impact of strong parental support for trans* youth between the ages of 16-34. Through the use of self-report methods trans* youth reporting positive parental support, compared to those reporting little to no support demonstrated significant increases in life satisfaction, mental health, self-esteem and the likelihood of obtaining adequate housing. Of the 433 youth surveyed 34% reported they had parents they considered “very supportive,” leaving 67% of trans* youth rating their level of parental support between “somewhat” to “not at all.” Therefore, in order to address the needs of this large population of unsupported youth a TA-CBT therapist must understand the cognitive blockages underlying discrimination and rejection toward this population.
Unique to a trans* population is a change in their outward gender appearance. It is not uncommon for family members to state “why can’t you just be gay” after disclosure, highlighting the difference family member’s face when trying to accept an individual coming out as

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