
A Study On Twins, Twins Separated At Birth Through Adoption

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Another study carried out on twins, were twins separated at birth through adoption. The studies wanted to see if growing up in different environments with different families had any impact on whether or not the twins grew up to be deviants. (Blackburn, 1993a) Psychologists wanted to work out if there was interaction between the environment in which they grew up in and their genes. Schulsinger (1972) carried out the first adoption study in Denmark. His theory was to compare adopted adults, some adults had been diagnosed as psychopaths and others hadn’t. There was a lot of criticism regarding his theory because Schulsinger used his own criteria to diagnose particular adults with psychopathic behaviour. Another criminologist who developed a theory around adoption was Crowe, he studied those that came from families with criminal backgrounds, but had been raised with a different family through adoption. Crowe wanted to analyze the results and see if there were any connections between your parents offending and you growing up to be an offender, even if you were raised by other parents with different values. Chemical and hormonal imbalances, bran injury and brain dysfunctions are other biological explainations of crime. There are several ideas and findings around trait theories, psychodynamic theories, cognitive theories of personality, mental disorders and offending and the connection that these theories have with a person’s antisocial behaviour. The most common theories were

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