
A Summary Of The Dominicans Controversy

Decent Essays

As mentioned above, the first missionaries who arrived in Taiwan were Dominicans. They brought with them a considerable experience of evangelization, arriving as protagonists of the “Chinese Rites Controversy”. The Chinese Rites Controversy erupted in the 17th century and was not resolved until the 20th century, when Pope Pius XII issued an instruction entitled Plane compertum est, which allowed Chinese Catholics to participate in civil ceremonies honoring Confucius and the familial dead. By definition, the term “Chinese Rites” does not refer to any indigenous Chinese ritual, but to three specific customs. First, periodic ceremonies performed in honor of Confucius, in temples or halls dedicated to the well-respected Chinese philosopher. Second, the veneration of the familial dead, a practice found in every social class and manifested by various forms of piety including prostration, incense burning, food serving, etc. Third, the missionary use of the terms Tian (天 heaven) and Shangdi (上帝 lord of heaven) to convey the Christian concept of God. …show more content…

They opposed Matteo Ricci’s indications and permissions, and prohibited their believers to maintain their ancestors tablet and to venerate them. Chinese people who wanted to embrace the Catholic faith were obliged to burn down their ancestors’ tablet as well as any image of Confucius present in their home. Beside this, believers were forbidden to participate in the traditional ceremonies with their family that were – and still are until today – performed during the lunar New Year or on other

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