
A Tale Of Two Cities By Charles Dickens

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Tale of Two Cities A Tale of Two Cities is a 19th century novel that conveys the terror of the French Revolution through the story of the Manette and Darnay family. Charles Dickens intertwined characters throughout the novel to convey the equivocal viewpoint of the citizens throughout England. The ambiguous characters of Charles Darnay, Madame Defarge, and Mr. Carton, work to show both the innocence and savagery of the revolution. Charles Darnay spent the early years of his life as nobility, but later transformed into a commoner. He, serving as an ironic foil for another Charles by the name of Dickens, voluntarily went from riches to rags in an attempt to connect any ties that he had with the Evremonde family. Dickens, on the other …show more content…

Along with this, he also went to Paris when his old friend begged for his assistance. This may be seen as selfish because he did not consider his wife and child, but Lucie and their daughter had Dr. Manette, Mr. Lorry, and Mr. Carton to watch over them. Still, throughout this, his veins were filled with flowing Evremonde blood. Much like the actual revolution, if someone were connected to the aristocracy in any way they were considered malevolent and ultimately would be executed. The innocence of the ideals of the revolutionaries was irrelevant because of the way they went about achieving their goal. The overabundant use of inhumane treatments on those who were not in favor of the revolution is also seen in A Tale of Two Cities. An example of this is when Madame Defarge mercilessly wrenches the head of the governor of the Bastille. The mere fact that Charles has any relation to the nobility is an automatic assumption that he is untrustworthy, which ultimately led to what was supposed to be his execution. This ambiguity is present in multiple characters, all of which have an ill fate. In the early parts of the novel, Madame Defarge is seen as an innocent woman who owns a wine shop with her husband. “Madame Defarge knitted with nimble fingers, and steady eyebrows, and saw nothing” (Dickens, 35). To an outsider, it would seem as though she was being muted and dutiful. It

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