
Human Nature In A Tale Of Two Cities By Charles Dickens

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Human Nature

The novel, A Tale of Two Cities, was written by Charles Dickens and was published in 1859. A Tale of Two Cities is a historical fiction based during the French Revolution. As two groups of people who both live in London and Paris find themselves in a situation that affects all of them, which ends with some deaths and suffering. Charles Dickens purpose for writing A Tale of Two Cities was to inform and amplify the readers mind on human nature. Throughout the book Charles Dickens uses many themes and characteristics, that bring out human nature in all his characters, to broaden the view of the readers.

Justice is one of the main theme from this book, as each character tries to get justice. In this book we see the distress and agony that Madame Defarge suffers with. Mainly because of her sister’s deaths and family suffering, due to the Evremonde brother’s, Charles Darnay’s father and uncle. Ever since that happened she’s wanted justice for her and her family. The justice that Madame Defarge wanted later turn into retribution, which lead her to a path of darkness, making her wanting the death of Charles Darnay and his family. At the same time, she was fighting for justice for France, which made her want more lives to be dead for the good of her people. those dead are my dead, and that summons to answer for those things descends to me!’… “Then tell Wind and Fire where to stop,” … “but don’t tell me.” (Dickens 339) Many readers might portray her as the “villain” of this book, but she really is not. All she wanted is justice for what was done

to her family which leads her to darkness and later her death. The reason why Charles Dickens put justice as a theme and a big part of Madame Defarge character was to show are perseverance and determination of getting what we think is right, no matter what it costs us. Fighting for justice is a trait that humans naturally have.

Another theme that shows human nature is dark and light. One of human natures greatest characteristics is good and evil, which can also be seen as light and darkness. Charles Dickens put light verses darkness in the two main female characters to explain what our life’s upbringing leads to our human nature personalities. In the chapter

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