
A Testing Place For Mortal Men Essay

Decent Essays

In the scriptures, the definition for the word world is “the earth; a testing place for mortal men”. Every day we face tests, from which we can learn. However, when it comes to students’ learning, how are we to assess their success? Students’ learning occurs within their minds, where we as teachers cannot see. Therefore, we have to assess their performance—what they do by result of what they learned—in order to assess their learning. While reading this past week in Educational Foundations, I found an interesting remark by Thomas Newkirk saying, “Driven by state testing, teachers are being pulled toward prompt-and-rubric teaching that bypasses the human act of composing and the human gesture of response” (161). The most impacting part of that remark is where he says “human act of composing and human gesture of response.” That is what learning is and exactly how to measure it! Any kind of testing is necessary in order to measure that, even if it is state mandated. As teachers, we teach by testing and measure those tests from minute-to-minute in order to figure out if our methods are working. Last week I was teaching s middle school class how to present their research papers. It was not formal, but they were being tested as I stood up in front of them and acted out what not to do in a presentation. I was reading their faces and looking for feedback to see if they understood the message I was attempting to convey. I asked them questions, and their hands shot up full of

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