
A Thought Experiment Through My Literary Past

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A Thought Experiment through My Literary Past I never really had a chance to connect with books and reading on a very personal level as a child. They always seemed impractical to me: mainly fiction books. Don’t get me wrong or anything. I kind of got the idea of why students were made to read fiction books in school: to help increase empathy, vocabulary, and imagination, but I never really go into it. My family never enforced reading for me as strictly as other kids parents did for them, but emphasized the concrete skills. This inevitably led me to be mainly interested in the hard skills verse the more abstract soft skills. Out of this reasoning, I decided not to read books of the type throughout elementary, middle, and high school. I didn’t hate them or anything. I just didn’t have them in my tunnel vision. So guess I should of read more non-fiction then? Which, I did. But not as much as you would have thought I should have. My reasoning around this was that the schools would teach me those hard skills I crave so dearly. Plus, I would have more free time on my hands to find a more passive form of entertainment such as TV, movies, and thinking. Of the three I mainly enjoyed, the thinking activity where I would just sit down, be it on the bus, car, or bed and think about the scientific theories behind everything, which I was always wrong about. But it was the thoughts that counted: the expansion of the mind that really caught my attention. So in order to give you the full

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