
A Thousand Splendid Suns The Girl Effect

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"The Girl Effect" is an idea that educational influences and medical support at an early age can bring girls out of poverty for themselves and continue down the line for future generations as a domino effect; in A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, the two main characters are two young poor women in Afghanistan. Mariam's and Laila's experiences highlight "The Girl Effect" in that Liala demonstrates the significant benefits of a girl growing up with an educational background, while Mariam who was not educated at a young age, has her future out of her hands and is married by fifteen, has many failed pregnancies and is forced to deal with the abusive relationship.
In Afghanistan many girls are seen as women at the age of twelve-years-old …show more content…

She is the product of wealthy cinema owner, Mariam’s father, Jalil assaulting his maid, Mariam’s mother, Nana, and impregnating her. Jalil saved his name of the household by accusing Nana of throwing herself onto him, then casted her out to the shack where she gives birth to Mariam and Mariam spends her childhood disconnected from the city. Jalil makes weekly appearances, bringing gifts and telling stories to win Mariam’s admiration. Mullah Faizullah also visits Mariam, bringing words of encouragement from the Koran, even though sometimes he may not understand the words of the Koran. Mariam being disconnected from Herat, was unable to receive an education and her mother, Nana, did not see the value in one because felt Mariam needs to learn to deal with the hardships she will encounter in her life.
“What for? (...) It’s like shining a spittoon. And you’ll learn nothing of value in those schools. There is only one, only one skill a woman like you and me needs in life, and they don’t teach it in school . . . Only one skill. And it’s this: tahamul. Endure . . . It’s our lot in life, Mariam. Women like us. We endure. It’s all we have. Do you understand? Besides, they’ll laugh at you in school. They will. They’ll call you harami.They’ll say the most terrible things about you. I won’t have it. . . There is nothing out there for

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