
A Weekend Bookbag Program For The Growing Basic Need

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The purpose of the case study is to develop a weekend bookbag program for the growing basic need: hunger which is invading our school. Our school wants to start a weekend bookbag program that will offer students who are experiencing food in-securities, a bookbag filled with nonperishable items to have on the days that they are away from school. The snacks/food items will be provided to students whose parents have registered with the school social worker and are receiving free and/or reduced lunch. This case study will be based on a middle school in the Hillsborough County Public Schools in the Tampa XXXXX community. This is a neighborhood/community school filled with walkers, bike riders, car riders then the rest of the student population …show more content…

The psychology of hunger effects the physical and mental health of students, especially low socio-economic students who have an increased school dropout rate, behavioral and socio-emotional problems, and developmental delays. The Theory of change, or TOC, allows the program to take these mini-steps in an effort reach long-term goal of sustainability and connect the program with community and business support. Thus, giving the program flexibility to evaluate and assess the process, make adjustments, and strengthen the bases support. All students are provided free breakfast between the hours of 8:35 and 9:00am. Car riders, walkers, and bike riders are served by an a la carte mobile food cart located in the front of the school. Bus riders use the cafeteria for their daily breakfast meals. This separation works logistically for the size of the school, the student population and faculty/staff supervision. Lunch is served between noon and 2:15pm. The cafeteria space is shared with the neighboring high school which controls the middle school’s lunch times. There are several contributing factors and practices that relate to the problem. First, students are allowed to enter the lunch line once. If a student consumes all of their food and wants more, this is a contributing factor to the problem. Second, late bus students do not always receive breakfast because of supervision and staffing. Faculty/staff have morning duties and are not available

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