
A Woman 's Friendship Provides A Special Bond, Support System, And Everlasting Memories Essay

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A women’s friendship provides a special bond, support system, and everlasting memories which creates a concrete relationship that continues to expand throughout a lifetime. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, friendship is “the quality or state of being friendly.” This means a friend is someone who is caring and willing to go out of their way to impact and change one’s life.
My story is about my best friend Jessica. This story is about a time where I was stressed during my freshman year of high school. She was the first one to give me guidance, help me keep my mind off of stress, and live life to the fullest. From this friendship, I have learned so much about my true passions and developed a close-knit relationship with a truly amazing person.
On the first day of school, my mom took pictures of my sister and me as we were in a rush to catch the school bus. I remember getting on the bus and looking at unfamiliar faces. I took a seat next to my sister, seeing picturesque views of the mountains and farms nearby. We got to school and I met my new teacher, Mrs.Fallari. She seemed nice. The morning class flew by and next was lunch. I walked into the cafeteria not knowing where to sit. I sat at an empty table until a small brown-haired girl came over. She said “My name is Jessica. What’s your name”? I replied “Alissa”. After introducing ourselves, we talked about our favorite colors, hobbies, and interests and realized how much we had in common. We both liked blue and

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