
A Woman 's Mother And One Brother Are Deceased

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JG was born on January14, 1962 in Worcester, MA. She is a Caucasian; a single woman whose primary language is English. She is approximately 5’3” tall, weighs approximately 175 pounds, has brown hair, brown eyes, wears glasses, and has a birthmark on her hand. JG has a court appointed temporary guardian through DDS to provide her with the support she needs in order to maintain safe boundaries from her former care givers. JG lives with her shared living provider, Melissa and her family. She is currently unemployed. JG has three biological brothers and two sisters alive. Her mom and one brother are deceased. She communicates frequently with one of her sisters in person and by phone. She is very concerned about one of her brothers who abuse substances. He is homeless and JG has engaged in frequent attempts to sneak out of the house at 4:00 am to search for him. Her efforts have been unsuccessful however, and her caregiver and family are very concerned about her doing this and walking to unsafe neighborhoods. JG demonstrates poor insight and will engage in denial or sabotage. She can be impulsive and responds to needs in the moment rather than inhibiting her immediate desires for long-term goals. She struggles with respect and valuing herself, with inflexibility in thought processing, displays poor judgment and limited insight. She also has difficulties with accepting responsibility whenever she does something wrong and will instead ask to be removed from her current home and

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