
A Wonderful Article, Embracing The True Meaning Of Team

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This is a wonderful article, embracing the true meaning of team. “Aristotle quote:
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." In other words, the near future will be all about innovation for sustainable value creation, led by teams.” (1)
The article talks about “how the world has become complex by the day, command and control is out and employee engagement is in”. Where there is no larger-than-life personality is allowed to steamroller over the rest of the company.” Mr. P

1. Here are my seven insights on teams:
Great teams are led by captains. Like many popular terms, the word leader has become so overused and commonplace that it has lost meaning. Anybody can call himself or herself a leader; anybody can follow the "do 's" and "don 'ts" in leadership manuals. But it takes a special type of leader—a captain—to create not just a loose affiliation of individuals but a true team that 's centered around shared values and focused on a common goal. Captains are quick to recognize the key capabilities of their team members, including strengths and weaknesses, and to build the plan around those capabilities.
2. Fierce individualism has no place in teams. Captains need to be sure that the "most valuable player (MVP) syndrome" is not allowed to define their teams and be on the alert for individuals who might be losing sight of the team that gave them an identity—the group with whom they worked to produce the fame for which they are now known. It is in these situations

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