
ACLU Equality

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The ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union, is despised by many but it helps our country and many ways concerning constitutional rights, equality, and protecting our country.the ACLU a very strong advocate on following constitutional and this is playing on multiple occasions. One of these occasions happen to be when they took a stand for freedom of speech. “Will you take a controversial stand for free speech by defending a Nazi group that plan to March through the Chicago suburb Skokie-Where many Holocaust Survivors lived. The notoriety of the case cost the ACLU dearly as members left in droves, but too many it was our finest hour.This has come to represent our unwavering commitment to principle. This represents that even though the ACLU actions …show more content…

One case proving this comes from Tennessee. A student looking for Gay and Lesbian scholarships but was unable to access any of the websites of information. The article explains more of this hate-crime it reads. “ the student was unable to access any of the websites that provided shis information however the student did discover websites advocating that gay and lesbian behavior can be reformed or overcome. the student notified the ACLU about the school and several others in Tennessee.”.After reading you can see why the ACLU took a series action as not only to sue that school but several others. This not only proves but solidifies how seriously they take hate crime. Lastly the way they help our nation is by protecting the country. Captain A Schneider a former Air Force pilot puts into words perfectly why we cannot have religion involved in government. This is what he has to say, “ The ACLU is the premier organization in this country working to preserve religious liberty. It does this by making sure that no religious beliefs get mixed up with government. They wanted the US government to be singular and totally neutral with respect to religion.” .This explains that involving government into our country could be damaging but also detrimental to

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