
AMT Task 3

Better Essays

AMT Task 3

Cassandra Davenport
Program: MBA, Healthcare Management, 2/1/14
Mentor: Rusty Lynch
Chapel Hill, TN Central Time Zone Current National Healthcare Trends and Policy Initiatives Affecting Healthcare Healthcare is in a constant state of change with movements that impact rates, access and quality of care. Hospitals have become more competitive due to the rising cost of care delivery and the reduction in reimbursement from payers. This causes difficulty in delivering quality care to all patients, which is being measured by mandated patient perception surveys, Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS). HCAHPS scores are part of value …show more content…

Bundled payments are a forerunner of what other payers will do and are already beginning to do in their contracts with hospitals. Mandatory outcomes reporting, such as core measures for Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) and Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) have also changed the way consumers select what provider they will choose, in addition to these quality indicators being part of the pay for performance initiative The aging population does pose the need for more physicians, including Cardiologists. According to Fye, (n.d.) “By 2001, there was increasing evidence that the supply of cardiologists was not meeting the growing demand.”
Because of the large amount of money associated with running this service line, the issue of payment will affect it very intensely. With the cardiac cath labs expected to cost $4,500,000 and the cardiac rehab expansion to be $500,000, the upfront expense will already cut into the bottom line. The service line will need to not only address education of the community, access into the system, preventive medicine and the latest technology, but it will need to be done as efficiently as possible. Moving patients through the system as quickly and efficiently as possible is also cost effective. Public reporting of core measures causes consumers to take their healthcare business to the facility with the highest score, without the understanding by the public of what the scores

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