
Abigail Williams In The Crucible Essay

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Abigail Williams has a strong voice and presence in Act II of “The Crucible”.
Abigail gained power and a voice within the town of Salem. The community listens to everything that she says and takes her word as credible. She and the other girls confess to practicing witchcraft so people, such as the court, believe that she and the other are telling the truth. The town is scared of witchcraft and unnatural things, so they will listen to even young unreliable girls over well-respected citizens. When some unknown evil comes into a town everyone is scared and will listen to anyone who speaks out and seems as though they are telling the truth. While in the courtroom, the girls follow in Abigail’s footsteps as she pretends to see the devil and spirits lurking in the courtroom, throughout the town, and at night. While Elizabeth was talking to John Proctor, her husband, she describes how the girls follow Abigail and how much power she has in the courts decisions: “Abigail brings the other girls into the courtroom, and where she walks the crowd spits like the sea for Israel And folks are brought before …show more content…

Abigail also has a strong presence in the Proctor’s marriage. Abigail is in love with John proctor and will stop a nothing to get his wife, Elizabeth, out of the way. John made it clear to her that it is over between them by saying, “‘I will cut off my hand before I ever reach for you again’”(Miller__ ). Abigail doesn’t believe John when he says he does not love her. She is so filled with hatred towards Elizabeth that she wishes harm or even death upon her. She believes that John is just worried about his image in the village and their relationship tearing his family apart. She tells the court Goody Proctor’s spirit comes to her and that she works for the devil, but she doesn’t have any proof. Abigail sees Marry Warren sewing a poppet for Elizabeth, and put a needle in it when she’s done. She

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