
Abigail Williams The Crucible

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In the play, “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller, the series of events take place in 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts. A black slave named Tituba, takes a group of girls in the forest to dance. A fire is lit and everyone is dancing and pretending to cast spells. Then all of a sudden, they are caught by the local minister, Reverend Parris. One of the girls of the group, Betty, falls into a coma-like state and everyone thinks that witchcraft has taken over Salem. John Proctor, a farmer with a good reputation hears this and pulls the ring leader, Abigail Williams, aside to talk some sense into her. Being that this is told in third person, we find out that Abigail was involved in an affair with John and when John's wife Elizabeth, found out she was fired.

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