
Abols And Symbolism In Yann Martel's Life Of Pi

Decent Essays

Do bananas really float? This is a problem that two characters in Life of Pi struggled comprehending towards the end of the the story. Life of Pi by Yann Martel is about a boy named Pi Patel that ends up stranded on a lifeboat with a tiger, in the Pacific. In Life of Pi a major key thematic statement that Yann Martel makes during Pi’s journey is that “just because things may seem unrealistic, it doesn't mean that people cannot overcome or complete a task”. Yann uses the island’s setting, Pi’s religious development, and the banana symbolism to deliver his thematic message.
First unrealistic task that came about would be the island's setting, along the unusual setting in general. Not very often, if ever is it usual to hear about being stranded on an acidic island with a tiger, but as we can see from Yann’s story it can happen. Yann sets Pi running into an acidic island made of no soil, but alge instead. As Pi is explaining to the investigators, they have a really hard time believing Pi. Pi had been through a lot during his journey, and Yann adds how Pi is hoarding food from being so traumatized. “He’s already had plenty and most he hasn’t even eaten. There right underneath his bed sheet.” The men seeing these actions done by Pi, confuses them and that even leads to them not thinking that the story he is telling is true. As they continue to listen to Pi he adds things like how he wasn’t the first human on this carnivorous island. Pi continues on by explaining how there

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