
Abortion Is Not Forbidden Within The Bible

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It is estimated almost half of pregnancies in Australia are unplanned . Unexpected pregnancies happen for various individual, social, economic and political reasons . The World Health Organisation (WHO) approximates one in three women in Australia will an abortion procedure in their life . Abortion data is only gathered by South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. However, South Australia is the only state to publish data and report findings annually.
Religion vs Ethnicity
Religious communities have had a convoluted history in regards to abortion. The Catholic Church of Australia states ‘the direct and voluntary killing of an unborn is gravely immoral. No reason, however serious and tragic, can ever justify the deliberate killing of an innocent human being .’ [Expand] Abortion is not explicitly forbidden within the Bible; as neither the Old nor New Testament condemns it. As a social norm, however, Catholic’s believe that life starts at conception via intercourse after marriage. If fornication results in pregnancy then the developing foetus is considered a person; and no one has the right to murder .
Judaism, contrasting Catholic, does not consider a human being until ‘a majority of body parts have emerged from the mother and that life begins when the baby takes breathe through the nostrils.’ Following the first forty days of conception, the foetus is considered as fluid yet aborting it without psychiatric reasoning is still condemned form the

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