
Abortion Pros And Cons Essay

Decent Essays

Introduction Statistically in the United States, one in three American women will have had an abortion by the time she reaches 45. Laws in the United States are protected by the Tenth Amendment, and vary depending on the local needs and demands. The problem is extremist politicians are trying to take the decision of abortion out of women’s hands completely. They believe women shouldn’t be able to have an abortion, some citizens are even trying to end programs that provide birth control, putting women at high risk for unplanned pregnancy. The idea is to let the women choose her outcome if and when she becomes pregnant. The government shouldn’t have a decision regardless of her mental state and financial means.
D- The Issue: The issue of abortion in the United Sates is the verdict of whether or not to be able to decide if abortion is morally and politically correct, and to decide when it is the mothers choice, and when it is illegal to perform when it refrains to the government to choose. The protestors to this subject are the pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-life is advocates moving towards upholding basic …show more content…

“TITLE II--APPLICATION UNDER THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (Sec. 201) Amends the Internal Revenue Code to exclude from the definition of "qualified health plan" after December 31, 2015, for purposes of the refundable tax credit for premium assistance, any plan that includes coverage for abortion.” This topic matter will never come to agreement in who is right. The controversy will both have their winning viewpoints, but progression will have the baseline with case to case determination and the judgement of the mother. The flipside will be the legal rights of the law, the recommendation of the physician, and the rights of the fetus to be aborted or if the fetus has legal rights, in determination of the fetus’s age of

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