
About Alzheimer's Disease And Dementia

Decent Essays

An Altered Life About Alzheimers Disease and Dementia. (2014, February). In Alzheimer's Foundation of America . Retrieved September 25, 2017, from The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, in layman terms, provides quick and easy information about what Alzheimer’s is, which I believe will be helpful for my readers. The accredited foundation simplifies the disease by describing it as a progressive brain disorder. The website document includes common warning signs that can give every day people clues to if an individual is developing Alzheimer’s disease and further cognitive impairments. Examples of warning signs can include confusion about time and place, …show more content…

For my own paper, this research article is valuable because it addresses depression in terms of treatment and quality of life. In my thesis statement, I am trying to understand how to best promote quality of life for those living with cognitive disorders and that includes addressing depression. I hope to gain my readers trust by acknowledging that there is a need for further research to be done for treatment options. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5. Washington, D.C: American Psychiatric Association. The DSM-5 is clinical guideline and tool for classifying and diagnosing mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and dementia. The criterion to classify each disorder is clearly laid out, which helps individuals understand the clinical picture of the disorders manifestation and the best treatment route to improve patient outcomes and quality of life. Overall, I wanted to include this as a source in my paper because it is reliable and well respected by numerous health care providers. For my paper it will help provide a general framework and understanding of the cognitive disorders commonly presented in my research, such as dementia or depression. Andreescu, C., & Varon, D. (2015). New Research on Anxiety Disorders in the Elderly and an Update on Evidence- Based

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