
Essay on Abraham Lincoln: a Great Leader

Decent Essays

Abraham Lincoln was a man of humble beginnings who, though self-taught, rose to greatness through the many leadership qualities that he possessed. Quality traits that Lincoln possessed were honesty, integrity and a great devotion towards the rights of the people. It was probably through his impoverished upbringing that he formed such a bond with common folks. Lincoln was able to show the country that an ordinary person, with strong character and integrity, was capable of inspiring others to greatness. His ability to communicate through dynamic speeches was inspirational to a country so badly in need of someone to return the country to the unity that it had once had. His commitment to the rights of individuals was a cornerstone of his …show more content…

Being able to listen to the opinions and then being able to make a decision is a key ingredient to being a great leader (Wadhwa, 2012).
Another great leadership ability that Lincoln possessed was his ability to appoint the right people for the right jobs in his Cabinet. Even though they were some of the greatest minds of his time, some of his Cabinet members were also some of his biggest political adversaries. Through his great leadership, he was able to assemble this group and to pull them together to make it work. Lincoln also had the ability to make a mistake, learn from it and then move on, creating an environment of learning in his administration. Also, when the administration was successful, Lincoln was willing to share the credit with his administration, not taking all the credit for himself. This ability can be a great motivator, since it gives people a sense of accomplishment (Moreton, 2008). Lincoln’s ability to control his emotions was another great trait that he possessed. Even though Lincoln was known for treating those he worked with fairly, when he was driven to frustration or anger, he would often channel his emotions by writing what he referred to as “hot letters” to the person he was agitated with, but would keep it after writing it. When Lincoln did lose his temper, he would usually not hold a grudge against the individual (Moreton, 2008).
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