
Abuse Of Nature In Frankenstein

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In Frankenstein, Mary Shelley attempts to show the harmful affects of trying to work against nature with the creation of the monster by Victor Frankenstein. Nature is a force that should not be tampered with, and when Frankenstein creates the monster, he is attempting to alter the course of nature and partake in the role of God. This is a common theme of books in the romantic period, because romantic writers focused heavily on nature. It wasn’t very common for there to be women authors however, so her message is clouded by the controversy of the first science fiction book being written by a women.

Victor Frankenstein is attempting to alter the natural cycle of life when he assembles his monster from human body parts that he has robbed from …show more content…

Mary Shelley uses the monster to show the harmful effects of Victor Frankenstein’s crime of nature. When Dr. Frankenstein first creates the monster and the monster first moves on its own, coming to life, the "watery eyes, the yellow skin that barely covered the work of muscles” terrify him, and he immediately flees. This first reaction to the monster is part of the foreshadowing of the terrible deeds that follow the creation of this crime against nature. Frankenstein’s reaction to the monster is not uncommon as everywhere the monster goes, people react similarly. The monster tries to befriend a blind old man living in a cottage, knowing the old man cannot see him, and therefor will not have an awful reaction to his appearance. However as the monster is talking to the old man, the cottage door opens, “and Felix, Safie, and Agatha entered. Who can describe their horror and consternation on beholding me? Agatha fainted, and Safie, unable to attend to her friend, rushed out of the cottage” (15.36) It is reactions like these from people who merely don’t know what to do when they first catch sight of the monster that lead him to a life of crime and terror. After Felix, Safie and Agatha interrupt his conversation with the old man, and Felix promptly beats

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