
Abusive Relationships In 'Death And The Maiden'

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An Analysis on the Role of Abusive Relationships in Death and the Maiden Throughout the play Death and the Maiden, Dorfman uses Paulina and Gerardo’s abusive relationship to display how gender roles affect characters interactions. Dorfman depicts Gerardo as controlling and authoritative in contrast to Paulina. Paulina was presumably subservient and malleable before the introduction of Roberto. After the introduction of Roberto, a shift in Paulina’s character occurs altering Gerardo’s and Paulina’s previous relationship. Paulina takes control, refusing subservience to Gerardo. She still cares for him, but she no longer allows him to make decisions for her or treat her with disrespect. She fights back fire with fire and this shift in gender …show more content…

Gerardo would make statements like “silly girl, my baby,” (Dorfman 11) which reinforce the point that he believes he ranks higher than her. His condescending tone and possessive pronouns towards her has an aire of similarity to that of an adult and a child. Paulina’s statement “when are you going to stop telling me what I can and can’t do, ‘you can’t do this, you can do that, you can’t do this’ I did it,” (24) clarifies that Paulina herself notices that he treats her as an unequal and also further exemplifies how she contributes to that role as a child by mimicking his statements. This quote marks a turning point in Paulina’s sense of self. She gains confidence and begins fighting for her fair share of respect. Paulina’s character makes the most substantial change here. The dialogue used within the play allows the reader to deduce that Paulina was once a submissive, troubled, and dependent wife. When discussing Gerardo’s new position, Paulina finishes Gerardo’s thought that if she had a relapse he would have to take care of her all over again (8). Gerardo treats Paulina like a charity case, believing he deserves respect and recognition for taking her in like a stray cat. As if she owes him something for taking care of her. His expected reciprocation is for her to take care of the house and take care of fixing things like the spare tire. Paulina …show more content…

She’s calculating, she had a plan to put Roberto on trial and she executed that plan. She instated protective measures to prevent his escape, she was strategic in finding enough proof to satisfy her that he was guilty. This newfound control Paulina has of herself and the people around her causes a shift in the way interactions are conducted. Trapped as a sort of prisoner, Roberto and Gerardo must obey Paulina or risk indirectly causing Roberto’s death. Another example of the inequality in Gerardo and Paulina’s relationship is when Gerardo accepts a position on the commission without discussing it with Paulina. He ironically believes decisions can be made without her input or consent, but contrasty, if she makes any decisions he must play a role in them, whether it be interrogating Roberto or lending the car jack out to her mother. The effect of Paulina’s new sense of self also results in Gerardo having difficulty communicating with Paulina because she’s in a position of power, for example when Paulina held a gun Gerardo states “while you point it at me, there is no possible dialogue,” (24). Gerardo likes to be in a position of power, where he can play the role of peacemaker, analyzing the situation, and coming up with solutions. However, Paulina enjoys this new found power and Gerardo struggles with losing his control over her, Gerardo’s statement “oh my baby, my baby. You’re--- unrecognizable. How can you possibly be

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