
Academic Freedom And Its Impact On Education

Better Essays

Academic freedom is the independence of faculty and students to teach, study, and pursue information and research without irrational constraint from the law and institutional policy. Key areas include the freedom for professors to seek information on subjects that peek their intellectual interest and present their findings to colleagues, students, and publications without restrictions. Academic freedom allows faculty to choose their teaching style as long as it is deemed professionally appropriate. Academic freedom also provides students with some liberties as well which include freedom to study topics of their interest and develop their own ideologies.
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Although there are many positive aspects of academic freedom, there can be a few downsides to an academic freedom policy. During a time in America were a separation between races and cultures are high, those topics are a major discussion in college classrooms. The freedom of speech in the classroom can cause an issue if instructors show negative penalties toward students who disagree with their beliefs and views. Students may feel they are unable to speak freely in the classroom due to fear of academic consequences. With that form of fear class discussions can turn into instructor lectures about their personal beliefs. Even though instructors are citizens and should hold all rights afforded to citizens the academic freedom policy can create a problem with the public confusing the instructor’s views with institutions views. Instructors may make an effort to separate the two viewpoints, but the perception of the institution can be fragile and unpredictable.
The country is going through major shifts and with the convenience of social media, it is easy for individuals to express themselves and be heard on a global level. As time progresses academic freedom must change to cover new developments and resources available to citizens of this country, such as social media, blogs and other forms of mass communication. Although academic

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