
Academic Freedom Goals

Satisfactory Essays

1.Goals of a Liberal Arts Education: - Encourage Independent thoughts and critical thinking - Provide students with the tools necessary to gather accurate and credible information - To expose students to a variety of subjects to create a schema for them to build upon - Give students a well-rounded education so that their understanding of the world is not distorted by overemphasizing their knowledge only in their own field of study - Expand a student's information base so that learning can become easier
2. Learning According to the Handouts First year students find it difficult to gather knowledge from a "handout" because the specific information they are trying to find are not readily available at the click of a button. Throughout their high school careers, students have given in …show more content…

3. Acceptable Resources: - Library Research (using actual books) - Scholarly Journals - Field Research - Accredited Theses - Statistical Data

4. Purpose of Academic Freedom The purpose of academic freedom is to protect educators from prosecution for preaching what they believe is the truth. It is for learners to gain an additional perspective to the way a subject or issue is viewed from the point of view of "the other". Although not absolute, academic freedom encourages cultural relativism and dissuades learners from believing that the "absolute truth" exists.
Critique of Scholarship
5. Post-Modernist Views of the "Absolute Truth" Post modernist believe that other races cultures and beliefs have an equally valid "truths" than those found in the west. they believe that the entire system of scholarships is being dominated and manipulated by the group that has the most political and economic power, white, middle class, westerners. because of this, post-modernists view western education as biased against non-western education and that in America, education is never valued on a neutral bases despite what the majority of Americans

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