
Access To Mental Health

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These people deserve the time of day. This will help boost the confidence of any person and make them want to do better.

“Improving access to mental health services, including case management to make sure that patients comply with their treatment plans, could make a big difference for court systems and jail facilities, according to police, judges and sheriff’s officials in the Triangle area” (Pfeiffer). Access is everything. Not having access to treatment can make jails and prisons a scary environment. A person will create their own ways to feel better about themselves, which usually leads to violence. When violence occurs there is no turning back. A simple cry for help can make someone lose all their privileges to any help. Punishing inmates, …show more content…

It would be more safe for a person to be behind bars than for them to be in the streets with nowhere to go. Sometimes a person with a mental illness will get kicked out of their house and won’t have any support system. Typically a person has support from their friends or family, but in some cases these people are left to handle their issues alone. With no family or home to run to after getting into trouble can have it’s downfall. This downfall would be ending up in prison. Prison is a harsh place, but it would give this mentally ill person a temporary home while they received a little bit of help from the state. They would receive food on a daily basis to nourish the brain. The food might not be the greatest, but it is better than nothing. Also, having time to think about what the next step in life may have a bit of an advantage. This advantage keeps a person prepared for anything and overall safe from the outside world. “The overall murder rate in Washington in 2011 was 17 per 10,000 which means free people in the nation’s capital are more than five times more likely to be murdered than inmates” (Who). Even though the prison life is better than the streets, it still isn’t ideal. A much safer place like a mental health institution would surpass the prison or jail life any day of the …show more content…

If more people voiced their opinions and concerns about what is going on behind prison bars more people will get informed. The more people that get informed the more likely it is possible to make a change. The change that needs to happen is to make prison a better place for the mentally ill, and safer place for everyone involved. If prisons were actually a safe place and had more available resources, then people wouldn’t have to worry about sending the mentally ill there to fulfil their sentencing. Also, making more programs available for the people who need it will go a far way. This will help the prison systems become more convenient for everyone. The prison sentence given to a person should be temporary. While living out the sentence it is important to have this temporary solution to get the inmate by, until they at least reach the next step in life or the next opportunity comes along. At least make the time serving worth it. After the sentence is finished, it is important for the inmate to then follow up with a counselor outside of the prison systems to come up with the next plan on what to do next in life. Even if it means serving half the sentence inside a mental health

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